Module pepper.gnuplot

Gnuplot interface. This class can be used to generate graphical reports


cmd (str) Sends a command to Gnuplot
flush () Finish plotting and restart the Gnuplot process.
plot_histogram (keys, values, titles, style, options) Plots a histogram bar chart from data sequences.
plot_multi_series (keys, values, titles, style, options) Plots multiple data series.
plot_pie (titles, values) Plots a pie chart.
plot_series (keys, values, titles, options) Plots one or more data series.
set_output (filename, width, height, terminal) Sets the output file for plotting
set_title (title) Sets the plot title
set_xrange (min, max) Sets the X and X2 axis range
set_xrange_time (min, max) Sets the X and X2 axis range


cmd (str)
Sends a command to Gnuplot


  • str: The command string
flush ()
Finish plotting and restart the Gnuplot process.
plot_histogram (keys, values, titles, style, options)
Plots a histogram bar chart from data sequences. The values parameter may contain multiple Y values per entry, i.e. it can be a two-dimensional array.
The last options parameter can either be a dictionary or a string. Using a dictionary, the following keys can be specified:
KeyDescriptionDefault value
styleGnuplot style

If options is a string, it will be used for the sytle key.


  • keys: The array of X values, used as the X-axis keys
  • values: The array of Y values
  • titles: Optional titles for the series
  • style:
  • options: Additional options (see above)
plot_multi_series (keys, values, titles, style, options)
Plots multiple data series. The keys and values are arrays of the same size, each containing the same number of series. Each series (a pair of keys and values) will be plotted into the same graph.
The last options parameter can either be a dictionary or a string. Using a dictionary, the following keys can be specified:
KeyDescriptionDefault value
styleGnuplot style"lines"

If options is a string, it will be used for the sytle key.


  • keys: The series array with X values
  • values: The series array with Y values
  • titles: Optional titles for the series
  • style:
  • options: Additional options (see above)
plot_pie (titles, values)
Plots a pie chart. titles is an array with titles that should be placed in the key. values has the same number of elements and defines percentage values for the titles. The values are expected to fall inside the interval [0,1].


  • titles: Element titles
  • values: Element percentage values from [0,1]
plot_series (keys, values, titles, options)
Plots one or more data series. The values parameter may contain multiple Y values per entry, i.e. it can be a two-dimensional array.
The last options parameter can either be a dictionary or a string. Using a dictionary, the following keys can be specified:
KeyDescriptionDefault value
styleGnuplot style"lines"
commandPlot command string, inserted after plot "$FILE"

If options is a string, it will be used for the sytle key.


  • keys: The array of X values
  • values: The array of Y values
  • titles: Optional titles for the series
  • options: Additional options (see above)
set_output (filename, width, height, terminal)
Sets the output file for plotting


  • filename: Output filename
  • width: Optional image width (defaults to 640)
  • height: Optional image height (defaults to 480)
  • terminal: Optional explicit terminal type. This is normally inferred from the filename.
set_title (title)
Sets the plot title


  • title: The plot title
set_xrange (min, max)
Sets the X and X2 axis range


  • min: Minimum X value
  • max: Maximum X value
set_xrange_time (min, max)
Sets the X and X2 axis range


  • min: Minimum X timestamp
  • max: Maximum X timestamp

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